Well, it's official. We have moved back into our house in Eastown. Josh and I spent the night here on Friday night and made the decision to give it a go. We brought the kids home yesterday afternoon. They were both excited to be back and surprisingly, hadn't forgotten the place. Being in the place that they remember Ava last, it has brought many questions and comments. Zoe seems to understand that Ava will not be coming back but Noah does not. I found a can of formula today and he was somewhat upset that I told him Ava didn't need it. It has been very difficult to talk to the kids so concretely about the fact that Ava is in heaven with Jesus and won't be coming back. Noah is convinced she is sleeping or with grandma. Pray that we will have wisdom in what and how we explain this to them.
It is surprising to me that we can move back to this house after everything that happened here. I get a real sense of sadness here but I do not feel traumatized by the memories. I truly believe it is because of the power of prayer. All of you praying for us has done incredible things for us. Please continue. It has officially been six weeks today but it feels like about six hours. Everything is so fresh. We still are in dire need of your prayers.
We redid the room where the accident took place. It was in the girls room (I will always think of it that way). We prepared Zoe for a big change in the way things looked and were set up. She was very excited to see her "pink bedroom". When we entered she was yelling "pink bedroom" but then stopped quickly and asked, "Where's Aba's bed?" (Both kids call her Aba as the V sound has not yet come along!) We explained that Ava was gone and sleeps with Jesus. Is there sleeping in heaven? I sure hope so as it is something I love to do.
Noah rode the bus to school today for the first time. He goes to school five days a week for a half day. We were not sure how he would do for his first bus ride. I figured if he got upset I would ride with him but he just looked at Josh and I with big eyes like he wondered what the heck was going on. Which leads me to a specific prayer request. We have been trying to be understanding with the kids when it comes to things they have not wanted to do. For example, Noah is wanting to go to sleep with us at night. We have been allowing him to fall asleep with us and then moving him to his own bed. There are small examples like this everywhere. Many of them do not cause a problem but some of them may be the start of some bad habits. Pray that we will be able to decipher when it is related to everything going on and when they are just trying to manipulate us. They do that? you ask. They both loooove to. Pray that we have wisdom in when to discipline and when to be lenient. When to put our foot down and when to just pick them up and hug them.
That's all for now. Can't think of anything else really exciting to say. Hope all you guys are doing well. Love you all.
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Monday, September 12, 2005 |
Posted by
Josh Buck
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Television Reviews?
For many reasons, I like to go to bed at the same time Shelly does. The biggest problem is that this presents is that she needs 9 hours a night and I need 7. What to do? Watch recorded t.v. shows in bed. Right now there are nine shows. Excessive? Probably. But my disability makes it so I need help in and out of bed. Once I'm there, I'm there. Might as well watch the boob tube.
Dear Shelly:
Wow, this is a huge step for you, going back to your house. But I think you will begin to find a sense of stability and purpose as you attempt to reestablish some routine in your lives--as difficult as it will be. And, of course, working with your new congregation, and all that goes into raising a church from the ground up, will take time, energy, and a great deal of attention. God will use all of that to help you in your healing process.
I continue to check your blogs periodically, as it gives me direction as to how to pray for yours and Josh's needs. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers for a very long time.
As for your children and their many needs, I don't pretend to have any large amounts of wisdom, but it does seem as if Noah is longing for extra hugs and kisses right now, even if it means snuggling up and falling asleep with you every night. It won't last forever, so don't worry that you're spoiling him or creating a pattern that will be hard to break later. Children are so pliable--they bounce back much quicker than we imagine. In time, he will have adjusted to all the many changes. Give him time. And be kind to yourself as well, Shelly. You've been through SO much. Sit back and let God hug you!
Love and Big Blessings,
Shar MacLaren
I came across your blog in the great blogosphere world and believe that it was God ordained. Please know that even as complete strangers to each other, my mothers heart is broken for you. You are being prayed for today.
~With love, Lisa
hi josh and shelly,
i'm so glad josh included his blog address in the recent greenhouse letter! it feels like i've been able to connect with you more after checking this out.
I wish so much I could be with you guys in person, though, and just love on you and do whatever was needed. Shelly, I sure do miss your laugh and talking with you. Josh, I miss the worship and the quirky things that happened while worshipping! Ha!
Love you both and praying for continued grace and healing,
p.s. i'm a blogger, too! www.jeanniereid.blogspot.com
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