Life continues here at the Buck household. Seven weeks today since the "accident". Funny how we call it an accident. I think of an accident as spilled milk or a sprained ankle. Not quite huh? The past few days have been better with the kids. Noah is starting to get acclimated to going to school and going to sleep in his big boy bed without his mommy or daddy. Zoe continues to ask for Ava but does not seem upset by it. Today she said she was going to go to the store to "buy more Ava". Okay break my heart. What a doll. We're still waiting for life to feel a little bit more normal. Waiting...
The church plant seems to be moving along. Our first official service is October the 9th. It keeps getting closer and closer and there is still so much to be done. Please pray for our sanity!!! Josh is walking a difficult line of needing to be at work a lot and wanting to be home. He is being pulled in many directions and this is hard for him. Pray that he may make wise decisions for our family and for the church.
Life is getting busy again. Lots of weekends coming up with lots of plans. This is nice in some ways and difficult in others. It's nice to have things to stay occupied but being "normal" can be hard. You don't want to completely lose it at a social event. It can create a bit of an uncomfortable situation. :-) We have some friends coming in for a visit from NYC next weekend and it should be fun.
That's all for now. Hopefully everyone is doing well. We love to hear from you all and hear how you all are doing. Love, love, love...
Another Day
Monday, September 19, 2005 |
Posted by
Josh Buck
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Television Reviews?
For many reasons, I like to go to bed at the same time Shelly does. The biggest problem is that this presents is that she needs 9 hours a night and I need 7. What to do? Watch recorded t.v. shows in bed. Right now there are nine shows. Excessive? Probably. But my disability makes it so I need help in and out of bed. Once I'm there, I'm there. Might as well watch the boob tube.
Hey Bucks - I'm glad that things are somewhat returning to normal for you. As normal as can be expected, right? I'll be praying that God gives you wisdom in explaining things daily to Noah and Zoe. It's great to see the updates - and I'm so excited for Greenhouse! I so wish we could experience it with you. How exciting! Keep us filled in- you're constantly in our prayers.
We thought and prayed for you today with the kickoff of Greenhouse. We hope it went well. Thank you for the words you have left on your blog and for being willing to be vulnerable with all of us and allow us into your lives. We appreciate it. Know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Joel and Kim (Carter) Delp
Praying... just thankful to hear you're still wrestling with God through everything from church plants to unanswered questions.
So... praying...
I am a student of Dr. Buck's at IWU. Just wanted to let you know I am praying for you. Love, *Kim
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