
Sunday, August 21, 2005 | |

First day back at church in Kalamazoo so josh could lead music. spent the majority of the service crying as everything seems related to Ava. Every song we sing, every Bible verse mentioned, and just being back at church without her. Lots of love from our church family. Then had a Greenhouse core meeting tonight here at mom and dad syswerda's. went well. we're getting psyched to kick this thing off. gives us something to concentrate on, maybe a small break in the grieving process. continue to be amazed at god's mercy and comfort he has shown us at a time like this. we serve an awesome god. so cliche but proving more true every day.

written by Shelly


D&K said...

I love you two so much. I don't really know what to say, to be honest, other than I love you. Hopefully I can talk with you soon. You have been the subject of our prayers for awhile now...that won't end.


D&K said...

Forgot to add that you can find us at:

David Drury said...

Hey Josh & Shelly (and lurkers)...

Continuing to pray for you guys every day or two. I'm praying in particular for your "firsts"... those things that come up that are "the first time since" -- as they can bring up suprise and untimely wells of emotion.

Also praying for Greenhouse -or "Greensleeves" as some are calling it :-). I believe in you guys so much and know God will *continue* to use you. No doubt Ava's passing will be a part of the Divine Matrix as you look back on things, perhaps in ways you never suspected and that other onlookers miscalculate for now.

-will keep coming here to know how to pray... DD

By the way for other kamikazee random commenters = I'm pretty sure it's bad form to advertize cialis websites on a blog like this. Just a hunch.

Also a hunch that Kinnan's blog doesn't mention cialis - so that's okay to post.

Josh and Cammie Delph said...

Hey Shelly- I emailed Josh with all of Kendra's info. I wasn't paying attention as to who left the comment on the blog and automatically thought it was Josh, but it was you! So, you have an email waiting for you. I know Kendra and Matt will jump at the chance to share their story with you. We love you so much.