It is a daily slow dull ache. Details, things that catch you by suprise, smells, strollers...
Today on the way home from the office I drove by a medical building that just four weeks ago I was sitting in front of with all three kids while Shelly had an appointment. Things were so normal then. But today, that seems like a different life ago. We are calling then Josh and Shelly version 1.0 and now Josh and Shelly version 2.0.
Seeing that building sent me into a 6 hour funk. I don't know why, but the normality of what we had was so poingnant today...
Last Friday night, while we were still at the water-park/hotel, Jason, Holly, Shelly and I discussed our going back to work schedule. At this point, church planting is a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing because the schedule can be so flexible, but it is also very tough because ther is no boss handing me a paycheck every Sunday. To make this things work, we have to GO AFTER IT. So this is what we discussed last Friday.
We decided that we would hit it hard last Monday. So this week we have been moving into our office and scheduling more Sundays for support. We cleared out one of the larger upper rooms, repainted, hung new lights, bought some cheapo office furniture, and began to move our books and stuff in. We worked up plenty-o-sweat.
Speaking of meeting space, I wanted to pass along an amazing blessing that God has dropped in our collective Greenhouse lap. For months we have been finagling, scheming, schmoozing, and generally working our ambition all we could... to no avail...

Looks like we are going to be starting earlier in the fall than we previoiusly thought. That is a good thing!!!
God is in control and we aren't. That is one of the only things I know, but it is a good thing. Just imagine all the chaos if I were God.
Blessing on you all...
Our hearts have been so heavy for your family. I've been hugging Emily a little tighter everyday, thanking God for each moment we have. Know that you are lifted up in prayer! It's exciting to hear about your church plant and see God working everything out for you. We will continue to pray!
Hey Josh,
This is Scott H. Not sure I necessarily have anything to say in response to this specific post, but I just wanted to let you know that I was here. May the Lord grant you peace and comfort during this bittersweet time of your life.
I'm a friend of Josh's mom from CWC. Just wanted you to know there are people thinking of you and praying for you...even in the middle of the night. (Check the time posted.)
Josh and Shelly,
Been thinking about you a lot since Lacy called me with the news. Know that Jake and I pray for you continuously during this time.
Tiffany (Mills) Blakey
Our thoughts and prayers have been with your family during this time. I know many others as well who are lifting you up to Jesus.
Your church plant sounds awesome and we will continue to pray for God's leading.
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