Yeeee-Haaaaw!!! Okay, so I walked into my parents backyard and Noah was going "buck wild" on the rocking horse. I absolutely cracked up and had to snap a picture. He did us proud by displaying a very obnoxious face that cracked me up!!! I'm sure he'll be very unhappy about this pic someday but at least nothing shows!!!!
I thought I'd post a few other pics as I have been taught how to post pics. They may not show up how I intend them to but hopefully they'll be there all the same.

On that note, I'm going to sign off. I just spent a half hour trying to get a few more pictures to post, but to no avail. You know it's bad when Josh can't get it to work. :-) He said to give it a try again tomorrow.
Just wanted to take a sec and tell all of you that keep up with us through this blog how much we appreciate your prayers. I have heard from so many of you through this and it is so encouraging to us to know how many of you are praying for us. Much love.
WHOA!! I stopped by to see if there were any more comments on the last post and to my very pleasant surprise.... A NEW BLOG!!! You really are superwoman. I love you.
Thank you for posting and sharing your heart, your feelings, your laughter and your sorrow. We love you all so very much. May the LORD always work through you to reach this world with the hope and truth of Jesus. He is glorified in your honest telling of this story. With our love and prayers, the kemples
guys! your family is beautiful! i wanted to let you know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. i truly have learned so much from you through your love for each other and for GOD. thank you. check out my blog sometime...i've had a heck of a time posting pictures, too...but i think i'm getting the hang of it, and now i'm you both! ~iwu emily
That picture of Noah is the funniest I have seen of anyone in a long time! PRICELESS! His face in it cracks me up!
Jim suggested you call the photo of Noah "Buck in the buck" or maybe even "Buck bucking in the buck" or something of the sort...too funny!
Hey Shelly, thanks for your comment on my blog! I thought something must have been up the week I came to Greenhouse I didn't see you or Holly. That picture of Noah is so funny! Dinner would be great sometime. Love you guys and praying for you always!! Jen
The picture of Noah is hilarious! Hayden has been in the "naked" stage lately!
...that has to be one of the funniest pictures ever! Thank you for making my day!
...and thank you for your prayers!!! Its amazing the love you can sense when others are praying! Isn't it wonderful? Although it may not take away all the heartaches or pain, it still gives you some peace!
We love you guys!
Oh that's pretty funny.
Also, I love how absolutely not engaged Zoe is in the family picture. It's like it's not even happening.
I just wanted to tell you how much I God has used you and your family and what you have all been through to speak to me since I found your blog. Thanks for writing down your thoughts, as vulnerable as they may seem, so that God can use them.
PS - At the Monize household, there is a nightly naked time...for the boys, I should say! They run around yelling "Nated time! Nated time!" It never gets old!
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