Noah and Zoe dancing at Chuck E. Cheese.
Now that I'm out of school, it seems like I don't have enough time in my life to learn new things. I started in my last blog on how I need to learn to add pictures. I still need to do that. I did learn how to add a bunch of friends to our list of links. If you know how quickly I grow frustrated with computers you would think I had accomplished quite a feat. Josh says it's the only time he hears me swear out of frustration. Me? A pastor's wife? Swear? Noooooo!!!!
Another thing I'm learning...that God has plans for us that we just don't understand. I am sitting here at Josh's family's house in Indiana and thinking how much my life has changed in the past year. A year ago I was living in Kalamazoo with three children and my husband had a typical pastor's job. We now live in Grand Rapids, with two children (and one still in our hearts) and my husband does not have the typical pastors job. I think that's why he loves it so much. We get to hang out with all our friends all the time and they call it work. Cool huh? So with so many changes in my life it's no wonder I feel melancholy. Josh and I layed in bed a few nights ago and talked about how much we miss Ava. We talked about her sweet smile and how she loved to watch her big brother and sister and how she would probably be a stinker by now. Which leads to another change... Zoe ready to go inside- she's sooo excited!!
Two weeks after Ava was born, Josh went in for the snip, snip (otherwise known as a vasectomy). :-) Yesterday, we had it reversed here in Marion by a friend of the family. The surgery is usually around 10 grand and it was pretty much a charity surgery. All kinds of people donated their time from the surgeon to the anesthesiologist to the scrub nurses. Everyone was so kind. Our God is an awesome God. Had this not been given to us, we would never have been able to have the surgery done. Now we may have the opportunity to add to our family. There is about an 80-90% success rate. Please pray that God's will will be done in this. He knows what is best for our family although we are praying fervently that it works!!!
Josh is pretty much flat on his back the next week to 10 days so he will get some much needed rest time. He has played X-Box 360 for about 13 hours already today. A friend let him borrow it while he's down here. He's psyched. Some boys never grow up... I think I like him that way.
p.s. sorry to those who are thinking "Too much information!" I've never been one to keep things to myself! Noah found Mommy's mascara. He thought he'd try it.
Saturday, June 03, 2006 |
Posted by
Josh Buck
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For many reasons, I like to go to bed at the same time Shelly does. The biggest problem is that this presents is that she needs 9 hours a night and I need 7. What to do? Watch recorded t.v. shows in bed. Right now there are nine shows. Excessive? Probably. But my disability makes it so I need help in and out of bed. Once I'm there, I'm there. Might as well watch the boob tube.
Hi Shelly,
I think its great about the switcharoo with the wiring:)! I will pray that God will bless you with another child soon. I know another child won't ever replace Ava, but it symbolizes so much hope for the future and healing in a sense. I will also pray that there wouldn't be too much anxiety with it all! I hope Josh is feeling better soon.
Great post. And who came up with the cute little names (Gator Slater...etc.)? Hilarious! When you mentioned Ava's smile, I find myself in a panic to look at a picture of her as I couldn't instantly recall her face. Such a strange feeling... Well, give Josh a hug from us and tell him we're praying for a quick recovery.
I have enjoyed the following photo many-a-time (probably because I don't have children that I have to race off in a panic to see if they've found the markers after glancing at it) I just smile and think "How creative".
Be pleased these are not your children. The Mascara's more of a throwback to the days of The Cure I think.
I posted this on the Delph's blog a while back in response to Ellie finding a yellow marker and doing some nice decorating herself.
I'm going to hang on to it for a while. Many other friends have children of this age.
I'm out.
- nifty swifty
Shelly, it was so nice to see pics of your kids...they are adorable!
Thank you for your comments on our blog...we really appreciate you and Josh! and we admire you so much. We will be praying for Josh as he is off of his feet and will be praying for God's will for your family!
We love you guys!
(Burke, Caislyn and the "trips" too!)
I guess it could have been first glance, I thought Noah had a black eye from an accident. :) Too cool about people's generosity with Josh's surgery. Are you all here for his entire recovery?
Hey Shelly,
I just spent about 15 minutes writing you a long-over due email only to realize that I don't have an email address for you. Could you send it to me please?
hey shell,
thanks for the comment on my blog. i sure miss you and love you girl. greggie gives you a big wink and thumbs-up. much love to you and the kiddos (that means josh too)
Shelly-I know you may not remember me, but I think I met you once (Kim Carter). I just wanted to let you know that you have our continued prayers. We have enjoyed keeping up with you all through the blog world. Thanks for your encouragement and strength. We have appreciated it very much.
Hey Bucks,
I have thought of you guys often over this past year, but while at youth Wednesday we sang "Blessed be the Name" and your blog came to mind. I am so glad to know you are doing ok, but was also glad to hear your honesty . . . as Christians we don't always allow ourselves to be sad, angry or to grieve in public . . .
Shelly - I'm sure it doesn't always feel this way but you have encouraged and inspired a lot of people, including myself. You are a fine example of grace.
Christy Parandi (use to be Foster, aka you freshmen year roommate)
P.S. Tony and I are new to the 'art of blogging' so our page isn't up and running - so until then feel free to email:
Tell Josh that I am proud of him for getting his fellas worked on:) I will be praying for you guys - I pray for you both often.
Shelly and Josh,
Your kids are way too cute!! I went ahead and had Tanna mail your CD's to you! You should get them some time next week! Hope you enjoy them!!
Hey Guys-
Carrie was telling us at our LAMBS that someone was doing this for you! I'm praying that it works, and that God will again expand your family. You make such cute kids :)
Holly Anderson (if you're confused)
Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you...
Thinking of you all today and praying for God's comfort to be surrounding you.
You guys probably don't know me (my mom Betty Porter works with Josh's dad), but I wanted to let you know I've been thinking about you guys the last few days.
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