It's been a beautiful day here in Grand Rapids. I took the kids to two parks today and they were in heaven. Josh spent the day building a deck off the side of our house to accomodate our new hot tub!!! Yeah!!! I can hardly wait.
Life continues at a strenuous pace yet we continue to take time to grieve. We are finding more time passing without thoughts of Ava. Instead of every 5 minutes it seems to be less often. That leads to some relief and also some guilt. We want to recover but we don't ever want to forget our little girl. I find I miss missing her. Sounds a bit weird but according to many parents who have lost children, it is pretty normal. I continue to be amazed at how God has gotten us through this nightmare. In some ways, it makes God more real because I realize that without him we would be in a completely different place.
Ava's first birthday is coming up on the fifth of May. We want to celebrate her life and make it a celebration that our kids and family look forward to. We plan on going to the cemetary and letting off balloons and then taking all the family to Chuck E. Cheese's. We think every kid loves the place and it is a place Ava would have learned to love. We figure the anniversary of her death can be a bit more reflective and somber. Today, we were at one of the parks and there was a mother there with a little girl who was 3 and a half weeks old. Zoe was intrigued by her and went on to say "We don't have a baby at our house. I want one of those." I wanted to agree with her. We're getting to the point where we know we are not wanting to replace Ava but consider moving forward in the family way. Hmmm...The kids: Noah is doing great at school. He loves riding the bus and loves playing on the playground. His favorite activity is painting, he often forgets he is not supposed to paint himself or suck on the brushes. He is talking more and more and getting himself into trouble at times which cracks us up. When I think he may be into something he is not supposed to be and I say "Noah what are you doing?" If he is doing something naughty, his answer every time is "Nuffing!" Total giveaway. He's such a doll.
Zoe is keeping us on our toes. She is convinced she is at least 5 and wants to hang with the big kids. She is our little boss and is always trying to even mommy me. Today, I smashed my finger and she says "Oh mommy, I'm sorry. It's okay, let me kiss it." Little honey. She forgets she's not in charge all the time and is not afraid to tell anyone that she thinks she is. Pray for us. :-)
Josh has finally admitted to the fact that he is balding. Yes, it stinks but it's the truth. So, as of almost a month ago, he shaved off his locks of amber. He is now completely bald and looks great. I love it and am so glad he did it. The first few days it was a bit shocking, but now that I'm used to it our lives have gotten so much easier. No longing looks into the mirror wondering if the hairline has receded a bit more and no more expensive hair product to buy!!! Yeah!!!
That's all for now. I know we are not very consistent with the blog but we are going to try a little harder. Thank you to all of you for your love and prayers over the past nine months. Love to you all.
A Sunny Day
Friday, April 21, 2006 |
Posted by
Josh Buck
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Television Reviews?
For many reasons, I like to go to bed at the same time Shelly does. The biggest problem is that this presents is that she needs 9 hours a night and I need 7. What to do? Watch recorded t.v. shows in bed. Right now there are nine shows. Excessive? Probably. But my disability makes it so I need help in and out of bed. Once I'm there, I'm there. Might as well watch the boob tube.
It's so great to get an update on your family no matter how far apart they come. We think about you guys often and are glad to hear of the new things going on. I am sooo jealous of your new hot tub. I am hoping that will be an up coming purchase for us. I know it won't be soon, but hey I can hope can't I! I love it that Josh shaved his head. My Josh has decided that only one side is receeding and so he keeps his shaved all the time now. It cracks me up! We love you guys!
Found your blog by random surfing on this rainy saturday afternoon. Touched deeply by your sorrow.
I can see how God is using you and your family and your intense love and pain to reflect His own character to others. Respect and admire the Truth that you put forth here, publicly. And during this time, He allows you to do something important for him in planting a church to bring others into the Kingdom. Ah. When you arrive to your destination and that moment when the Lord Jesus will wipe away every tear. Joyous reunion! All will be understood. I think about that time so often. It gets me through a great deal of pain. Been dreaming of heaven all my life. I can imagine all of your messages will be colored by your loss. And like the Shepherd who lifts up the baby lambs in order to get the stubborn sheep to look up to cross the stream, you will hold up the memory of your little lamb to get others to look up. God Bless you all on your journey.
Hey guys,
Great pictures. Josh you look like a really handsome Mr. Clean! We think of you quite often too. I like what "watercolored" had to say. It's cool when people find your blog, and God uses them to encourage you isn't it?
Have a splendid day. Lots of love,
Angie & Dan too :)
wow... so odd to see Josh without the mane! People all over America are applauding the shave for many people they know. Your kids look great! Thanks for the update.
Been thinking of you guys knowing that Ava's birthday is coming up. I love what your family will be doing that day. That wil be a great tradition.
Always good to hear your thoughts Shelly. You are just a very good writer. Every time I read one of your posts I think it.
To my sis. Well, sitting here crying with mascara and eyeliner all the way down to my neck. Zekey is sitting on my lap saying, "Mama??" Jason walked in the door and I think I really scared him. Oh well... it feels really good to have a hard cry. I love you.
Dear Josh & Shelly...
That sounds so cool what you all are going to do on May 5 to celebrate Ava's life. I can't even begin to imagine what the past 8 months have been like for you guys.
Brendon shared at church the Sunday after he & Amanda returned from being with you & your family & Christy & I were in tears for you guys, even though we hardly know you.
I pray that God's love & peace would continue to fill your family up & that a day will come, if it hasn't already, where your mourning will turn do dancing.
Josh and Shelly,
I just wanted to say that it's great to find you on here...and yet I am sitting here in total disbelief looking at all of this. I am so touched by your story. And through it all, you are still praising God and doing His work. I am inspired, to say the least! May God bless you - richly bless you. And may He always remind me and others that we are truly blessed by His generosity. You have put so much in perspective for me in my own life...just sitting here and reading. Anyway, it's been a long time since I have seen either of you, but may God bless!
~Michelle (used to be Nicholson)
I miss you guys so much! I love the pictures! The kids are growing up so fast! Hopefully we will see you soon! We are all thinking about you, especially this week! You are in our prayers!
May 4, 2006
I have been thinking of you guys for the past couple weeks especially knowing that May 5 is upon us. Praying that you can find celebration of her life tomorrow especially.
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