A Memorial

Thursday, August 18, 2005 | |

I have been fighting this for a couple years now (since whenever it was that blogs became the "it" thing to do) but I have finally given in and begun to write a web log.

Many of you know about the recent tragedy in our family. On August 1, 2005, our little Ava Nicole left this Earth after only being here with us for 3 short months. She was our third child, and she brought so much joy to our lives.

No sentence that Shelly or I might compose could capture the pain that we feel right now. No little bit of blogging will make Ava any more present to us. But hopefully as you read some thoughts or stories about her, or as you sense healing progressing in our lives, this blog will serve as a memorial to her, and to the hope that we have in the promises of Christ.